A cash and carry store is a type of wholesale store where customers pick their goods, pay for them in full and then take the merchandise purchased with them. The goods sold in cash and carry businesses usually offer more convenient prices than smaller shops due to a number of features – here are some:
- Cash and carry stores are very similar to warehouses – these stores are usually very large and they do not feature elegant furnishing (the goods are usually kept on pallets lined up on the sides of wide aisles), which also means that the running costs of cash and carry stores are much lower than the costs that more elegant stores need to support. Cash and carry business are usually located outside central areas, which also reduces operational expenses;
- Selling in larger quantities – cash and carry wholesale bar supplies stores are usually designed for selling in bulk or in larger quantities. These stores carry larger inventories, which is also a feature that allows them to reduce their prices;
- On the spot payments – cash and carry businesses do not provide extra services, such as delayed payments or home delivery, which make it possible for them to keep their prices low. The customers of cash and carry stores pay for the goods that they buy on the spot and they also arrange for the transport of the goods on their own.