Perhaps the best way in which grocers are improving their business this summer is with the help of the online environment. The slow migration to the online media has actually started a couple of decades ago.
But the fact that e-commerce is developing can be less of an advantage for grocers, as the online transactions tend to be less profitable for them than in-store ones. Exploring new profit pools can also help grocers improve their business.
There are several ways in which grocers can improve things this season. Advertising and promotions can certainly do the trick. This may refer to newspapers ads, among other things. Moreover, you could ask suppliers such as Creager Mercantile of Denver if they offer any co-operation programs.
It should be noted here that certain manufacturers can reimburse grocers for ads which mention their names and logos. You could also donate fruits and drinks to local sports events.
In-store coupons are another effective way of increasing your grocery sales. This encourages customers to buy certain items, and come back the next day, to see what other discounts are available.
Changing the location of your items on a monthly basis can be another effective tool, as this can cause customers to make impulse purchases. However, you need to signage any changes, to prevent any frustrations.