Drivers often purchase various things from gas stations, besides fuel. It is convenient to them to stop by and get various useful things from the same place. This is why they will prefer retailers that allow them to do more shopping at a single stop.
Gas stations can sell a wide range of products. Surely, fueling remains the main purpose of visiting a gas station, but customers can also purchase different products they might need, from automotive supplies to hot snacks and even financial services.
Some of the most popular automotive supplies that people buy from gas stations include tire gauges, gas cans, repair kits for the tires, light bulbs, wiper blade refills, accessories for the cold season and much more. These supplies are very practical because they allow customers to perform quick fixes to their cars before getting back on road.
There are also cosmetic supplies that drivers purchase on a regular basis such as air fresheners and interior cleaning solutions. These are impulse items that you should stock on, because your customers love them and will surely appreciate having the opportunity to purchase them from your gas station, every time they need them.
Find a good wholesale supplier such as and fill your stock with automotive supplies!